Sunday, October 18, 2009

Problem Solving

In the past few classes we have been looking at problem solving, mainly for the purpose of our own problem solving session in class, but also to teach us how to use it in the classroom. I think problem solving in the primary/elementary years of school is very important.

When you ask students to solve problems in class it can be done in several different ways. The first way is that you can give specific details for a problem and students will have figure out the answer based on the information they are given. Another way is to give students open ended questions that have multiple answers, students are able to look at all different perspectives and possibilities. Some students will have their mind set on one answer and one answer only and not be able to broaden their perspective to look at the problem in a different way.

Getting students to work in pairs or groups is a good way to get students to look at the problem in another way. When students bounce ideas off each other they are likely to come up with their own solutions and solutions that neither student would have came up with on their own.

Grouping students is also a good way to get them to understand a new concept, I remember in school my teacher used to explain a new topic and give us a few example problems and then group us into pairs or groups of three so we could discuss the topic and explain it to each other, this method gave us a new view if we didn't understand it or explaining it to our group helped us remember it ourselves. Then we could work on problems together to make sure everyone got the concept.

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